Runs the simulation in the background.
Halts the simulation and updates all the viewers traces to the current spice time step.
spicewish::plot [ node ... ] spicewish::plot viewer [ node ... ]
If first argument is the name of a valid viewer then the nodes are added to the viewer, else a new viewer is created displaying all the nodes
customized version of tclreadline will complete the line with avaliable nodes
spicewish::remove viewer [ node ... ]
If viewer is valid then nodes are removed from the viewer.
spicewish::tp viewer [ mode ]
Activates or deactivates the TracePlace grid in viewer depending on the boolean value of mode.
spicewish::tp_add viewer slot [ trace ... ]
Given the number of a viewers TracePlace grid slot (1 -16) the traces are added
spicewish::tp_remove viewer [ trace ... ]
Accepts a list of traces and searches through a viewers TracePlace grids slots and removes any occurance of that trace.
spicewish::update [ viewer ... ]
Updates all traces in viewers to the current spice timestep. If names of viewers are passed then only thoese viewers are updated.
spicewish::init_gui inputFile
Loads the SpiceWish Control GUI, and sources the inputFile.
Prints version information to the console.